Friday, May 7, 2010

Journal Entry #1 Nov 9, 2009

The reason why I workout so late at night is because it's the only free time I have during the day. I've read different articles about how the time of the day you exercise matter and other articles that say it doesn't matter what time. I've always wondered about this. Since there is a theory that after a workout you continue to burn calories for hours it makes sense to do the workout earlier but since I can't fit it into my schedule I do it usually around 10:30-11:30 at night and I still am receiving tremendous results!

My general diet:

I am conscientious about carbs but I still eat 2 or more a day.

I don't drink soda - only like a couple times a month.

I don't eat fast food more than once a month (I've never been big on fast food I really love cooking so I usually prepare my own meals which is generally healthier anyways).

I basically have cereal for breakfast every day.

For lunch I usually have a sandwich, bag of microwave popcorn, and glass of milk or iced tea with 2 tsps of sugar.

For dinner either rice or potatoes and some protein like chicken or steak, and a glass of milk.

Yes I know my diet is lacking in vegetables and I should definitely add more to my diet. Sometimes I do but in general I'd have to say I eat 1 or less healthy vegetable a day - when I say "healthy" I mean "non-carb" vegetable - since I generally eat carb veggies like potatoes or corn.

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